Auriemma, Eordegh, Associazione Barca Pulita, 2015

Under the endless sky

A true story that reads like a novel. A man and a woman leave a normal lifestyle of home and office, similar to that of millions of others, and set off to sail around the world on a sailboat. They uncover distant lands, forgotten archipelagos, emotions, fears and incredible landing places. Large and small adventures, compellingly told in simple language that will captivate right up to the final page. The book is a fresh and open window on the world, passing with ease from encounters with pirates off the coast of Columbia, to immersion into the pristine domain of the animals of the Galapagos Islands, from the atmospheric serenity of fabulous South Sea Islands to the great solitude of long voyages between sky and waves. “Under the endless sky” is the story of how the sea can profoundly change the very existence and way of thinking of those who have embraced its intimacy.

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